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To grow weed, start with quality seeds and use methods like the paper towel or direct soil for germination. Once sprouted, set up your grow space with proper lighting and ventilation. In the seedling stage, provide gentle light and water. During vegetative growth, increase light and nutrients. Pre-flowering signals the transition to the flowering stage, where buds form. Finally, harvest, dry, and cure the buds for optimal potency and flavor. Troubleshoot issues and use training techniques for higher yields.

Seeds and GerminationSeeds and Germination

Start with quality seeds and choose between germination methods like the paper towel, direct soil, or water soaking. Ensure the environment is warm and moist, encouraging sprouting within a few days to a week. Find out the best way to germinate your cannabis seeds.

Grow SetupGrow Setup

Select an indoor or outdoor setup depending on your available space. For indoor grows, use grow tents or dedicated grow rooms equipped with LED or HID lights, fans, and a proper ventilation system. Outdoor setups need ample sunlight, well-drained soil, and privacy. Follow our guide to set up your grow room with ease.

Seedling StageSeedling Stage

After germination, seedlings require 18-24 hours of light daily. Keep the humidity around 60-70%, and be cautious with overwatering to avoid issues like damping-off. The seedling stage typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Read on to learn how to master the seedling stage.

Vegetative GrowthVegetative Growth

Once established, plants enter the vegetative stage, focusing on growing leaves and stems. Maintain temperatures between 70-85°F and reduce humidity to 40-60%. Use a balanced NPK nutrient formula to promote growth. During this stage, consider training techniques like topping or LST (low-stress training) to encourage bushier, more productive plants. Move through the vegetative stage of cannabis like a pro!


As plants mature, they enter the pre-flowering stage, where they begin showing their sex. If growing feminized crops, remove any males to prevent pollination. Pre-flowering is the preparation phase before buds start forming. Read on to prepare your plants for the flowering stage.


Transition the light cycle to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness for indoor grows. This signals the plant to start developing buds. Keep humidity low (around 40-50%) to prevent mold and mildew, and gradually increase phosphorus and potassium in the nutrients to support flower growth. Grow fat buds during the cannabis flowering stage with this guide.


As buds swell, trichomes will change from clear to cloudy, signaling that the plant is approaching harvest time. Reduce nutrients and begin flushing the plants with pure water to cleanse any remaining fertilizer from the plant tissues. Ripen your buds and turn your flowers into top-shelf buds.


Harvest the plant when trichomes are mostly cloudy, with some amber, indicating peak potency. Cut the plants at the base and trim excess leaves, then hang the buds upside down in a dark, well-ventilated area to dry. Reap the rewards of your grow journey by harvesting the best buds!


Drying typically takes 7-10 days. Buds are ready when the stems snap instead of bending. Maintain humidity around 50-60% during drying to avoid mold. Turn your harvested buds into the finest smokable flower by curing your cannabis.


Once dried, transfer the buds to airtight jars and store them in a cool, dark place. Open the jars daily for the first week to allow any remaining moisture to escape. This curing process, lasting 2-4 weeks or longer, improves the flavor, aroma, and potency of the final product. Troubleshoot your cannabis grow problems and issues.


Be vigilant about common issues like nutrient deficiencies, pests, and environmental fluctuations. Regularly inspect plants and adjust growing conditions as needed to maintain plant health. Read on to learn how to train your cannabis plants.

Training TechniquesTraining Techniques

Training techniques like ScrOG (Screen of Green) and super cropping help maximize light exposure and increase yields. These methods encourage the plant to grow horizontally, ensuring more light reaches the budding sites.

Mike Titan

Mike Titan, the founder of Titan Seeds, is a seasoned cannabis cultivator and the mastermind behind the comprehensive grow guide available on the Titan Seeds website.